Morning Pages (750 Words)
I've never been one to journal on a regular basis, I start out on the good foot and then quickly loose steam and forget why I was journaling in the first place. Even though I'm not a writer it's always nice to have a place for your daily thoughts. When I was younger I never thought of it that way I would just spill the tea on all the juicy stuff happening, but as I've gotten older I've really felt the need to get things out. To ramble to an empty page and say whatever I had to get off my chest on those pages. The current trend of morning pages or 750 words is 3 pages every day or (how ever many days you can do), to release those thoughts and unblock what may be keeping you from flowing through your day. I needed a spot to talk about upcoming projects..I was thinking about, personal goals, photography goals and so on.

This wasn't going to be easy for me because my handwriting is terrible and I can't keep up with what I'm thinking fast enough to get it down, however I can type it as fast as I can think it so it was perfect. I began searching the internet and found a site called 750Words which for the most part worked out really well, and I looked forward to having my morning coffee and hammering out my thoughts of the day, until one day (day 30) I went to the website for my morning ritual and there it was. "Thank for trying out 750Words, but now we want your money." I actually contemplated giving up $4.99 per month for a service that let's me type out my daily thoughts and tells me how I'm feeling picking out key words from my text. Sounds great right, however I can write my thoughts down on a sheet of paper for free so what am I really paying for. I'm also tightening the pocketbook so that's just an expense that I don't need. So back to Google search I go to look for another spot and there it was Penzu, which was perfect. can pay if you want special fonts, or to share with others, or to add cool features, but I don't need any of that. I'm just looking for a place to do my daily "brain-dump" that I can access anywhere and there it was. Try it out...and maybe you'll find that you get through your day better.